Thursday, April 28, 2011

A few cards

A few baby cards that I have made lately.

Stamps of Life Bunny

The rest of these cards are made with odds and ends of papers and stamps that I have collected over the years.
See you all soon.
Thanks for stopping by.  Glad you returned since I have been quite for so long. 

Up date and new pictures

I have been out of touch.  I just haven't felt like posting.  I have been creating but not taking pictures or posting.   I took a bunch of pictures and will try to post a few pictures every few days.
These pictures are of pages that I have been working on for my son.  He is graduating in May and I am putting together a landscape album for him.  I am just including his High School years.  I have elementary  through mid school in an other album.  I wanted to have an album to display at his graduation party.  I have quite a few pictures to get documented before May.  But I am slowly chipping away at it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Water storage

Amy over @ Homestead Revival   is linking with a USA Emergency Supply and giving away a 5 gal water storage barrel from that company.  Go on over and check out her site and the water barrel.